Thank you for clicking here. I appreciate it! 

This is a little something about me and Long Covid...  why I am using my music to raise money, why it’s so important to me personally.  Why I hope you can help. I'd be delighted if you'd donate to get a CD or stream / download of my new album, 'Still'. Proceeds go to Long Covid charities. 

You can buy it via  www.linktr.ee/larrymindelmusic where there are other goodies too!

I have Long Covid myself. Been stuck with it most of 2022.  It started one crisp winter's day. We were walking by the seafront in Eastbourne on the South Coast of England. Blue skies, chill wind. We'd stayed away for a night in a hip Sussex vineyard, celebrating getting through Covid really mildly. Suddenly I stopped in my tracks, all energy draining out of me, like water down a plughole. It's November now and I haven’t recovered yet...

On a good day I can walk around my local streets  -  and I can hold a conversation for maybe an hour. Things quickly get overwhelming… deep fatigue, weakness through my body, brain fog, pins and needles... It’s a bummer, this Missing Out On Life business!  

The good news - for me - is that I get amazing support. The Long Covid clinic at UCH in London has a reputation for leading the way in Long Covid care - for good reason. I have been zapped and prodded from head to toe, inside and out every possible way! I have one consultant working with me on my physical health, another on my mental health, and I get weekly webinars on latest best practices and research findings.  I get more specialist help when I need it. 

But I am extremely lucky - because it’s completely a geographic lottery. 380,000 people in the UK alone say Long Covid ’severely’ impacts their lives. There are no proven solutions or treatments yet, just ways of living with it. Most people get no professional help at all,  living with scant hope or support. I’ve seen at first hand the effect on people who have no access to the things I am fortunate to have. It makes my heart sink.  

But through this - somehow! - I’ve been making music.... with a lot of help and love. After all,  this is what I do! It’s taken a year. I've learned so much through this - that you can find support through new means, sometimes from unlikely places. That people matter. That one needs to retain a purpose, hope, an identity. That people have valuable resources to draw on - even if sometimes it's all hiding in plain sight! 

I was determined to make this record, come hell or high water. And now I am using it to raise money for Long Covid research. I’d really appreciate it if you choose to help..  

There are lots of groups working with Long Covid.  Initially I am sharing the funds between a range of Long Covid charities -  such as Long Covid SOS, Long Covid Support and Long Covid for Kids. 

In my Linktree page there are simple options for how you can help. Please have a look around and choose what works for you.  It's here - www.linktr.ee/larrymindelmusic 

If you would like to help me in other ways with my campaign, please get in touch or simply share this on social media and with people on your seasonal greetings card list. That would be wonderful of you! 

Thank you! Be careful how you go...  
